sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013

"Two faces, tango"

                                              "Two faces
, Tango"
In the globe there are two faces ...
That will not be, ever.
They call it, "soul mates" ...
But this, ignore it.
The playful gifts of day
were not compatible.
The multiples of fate, are divisible,
but they behaved like "primes".
  The Tango sweats, its mystery, "neighbor drunker"
and those two notes, not sound ... "sympathy" ...

Both are combined with a verb, "quotation marks"
and in their lives, they will never cross.
Found some time, in one place,
but ... not even looked.
  Applies a great "law" in the Universe ...
that nobody understands.
Win the undeserving ...
Lose, the more good and decent.
The prophecies misplaced his "dossier"
and stayed in "zero" ...

The fickle, yesterdays and tomorrows,
cover the entire horizon.
Two sides of the "coin"
but with two opposite planes ...
Two casual names
Brawls lost in time.
The pleas of fate,
for them ... have been in vain.
I was comfortable, the anonymous,
and chance took his pulse ...

The expected a "mirror illusion"
to occupy both sides.
Someone, I blew the feeble flame,
off of a match ...
Who! ... could join them,
  with the force of a dilapidated ... "Miracle metaphysical".
In this reality ... without a familiar path.
And with royalties ... So tight ...
                                                          Daniel H Guasti

"La dos caras , tango"

“Las dos caras , Tango”
En el orbe existen , dos caras…
Que no se verán , nunca.
La denominan , “almas gemelas”…
Pero ello , lo ignoran.
Las lúdicas dádivas de los días,
no le fueron , compatibles.
Los múltiplos del destino , son divisibles,
pero ellos se comportaron como “números primos”.
 El Tango suda , su misterio , de barrio “curdo”,
y esas dos notas , no sonarán …”por simpatía”…

Ambos se conjugan con un verbo , “entre comillas”,
y en sus vidas , nunca se van a cruzar.
Se encontraron cierta vez , en un lugar ,
pero…ni siquiera , se miraron.
 Rige una gran “ley” en el Universo…
que nadie , la entiende.
Gana , el que no lo merece…
Pierde , el mas bueno y decente.
Las profecías extraviaron su “Expediente”,
y se quedaron , en “cero”…

Los inconstantes , ayeres y mañanas ,
abarcan el horizonte entero.
Dos caras de la “misma moneda”,
pero con dos , planos opuestos…
Dos ocasionales nombres,
perdidos en las reyertas del tiempo.
Las súplicas del destino ,
para ellos …han sido en vano.
Les quedó cómodo , lo anónimo,
y el azar tomó su pulso…

Los espera un “espejo ilusorio”,
para ocuparlo con ambas caras.
Alguien , les sopló la débil llama ,
de un fósforo apagado…
¡Quien!...  pudiese unirlos,
 con la fuerza de un desvencijado … “Milagro metafísico” .
En esta realidad…sin un camino conocido.
Y con cánones …Tan herméticos…
                                                         Daniel H Guasti

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

"Cups flipped , tango"

Cups flipped, Tango"

These glasses flipped on the table ...
They have been a symbol.
Collapsed all ... Everything ....
as high towers of lies.
That night, I went looking, desperately ...
and I found only those cups falls.
In the table, no one,
escaped, until the shadows.

Fate, I borrowed a blackboard,
for me to write your name.
Yesterday ... spent without looking,
just ahead of mine.
  The illusion is just a ritual,
is experienced, and then.
Your name, I had to delete it,
then to understand, very little ...

I dropped all, a "cathedral"
innocence that I was building.
Today, I am evoking,
with complaints last night.
  My criticism is useless,
as useless "junk".
  These glasses, empty, lonely,
I suggested, my debacle ...

I filled buckets and buckets
with more bitter tears.
  Not rewind the past,
the glasses are going to stop, alone ...
In the end, it all ends up as a long "tail"
  and leaves you with a handful of questions.
The remaining faults,
I left, so slyly one, delete them.
Maybe tomorrow, a moon you enlarge,
and will sponsor a better future ....
These glasses were a demonstrative, delirium ...
The end of a fable untenable ...
                                                           Daniel H Guasti


 “Copas volteadas , Tango”

Esas copas volteadas , sobre la mesa…
Han sido , un símbolo.
Se derrumbó  todo…Todo….
como altas torres de mentiras.
Esa noche , fui a buscarte , desesperadamente…
y solo me encontré con esas copas , caídas.
En la mesa , no había nadie,
se fugaron , hasta las sombras.

El destino , me prestó una pizarra ,
para que yo escribiese , tu nombre.
Ayer …pasaste sin mirarme ,
justo , por delante mío .
 La ilusión , es solo un rito ,
que se experimenta , cada tanto.
Tu nombre , yo tuve que borrarlo ,
luego de entenderlo , muy poco…

Se me cayó toda , una “Catedral” ,
que con inocencia , yo estaba edificando.
Hoy , te estoy evocando ,
con las últimas quejas de la noche .
 Mi reproche , es inservible ,
como , inútiles “cachivaches”.
 Esas copas , vacías y solitarias ,
me sugirieron , mi debacle…

Llené baldes y baldes ,
con las lágrimas mas amargas.
 No por rebobinar el pasado,
las copas se van a parar , solas…
Al final , todo se termina como una larga “cola”,
 y te deja con un puñado de interrogantes.
Las culpas sobrantes ,
te quedan , para que con disimulo uno , las borre.
Tal vez mañana , una Luna se te agrande ,
y te auspicie un mejor , futuro….
Esas copas fueron un demostrativo , delirio …
El final de una fábula insostenible…
                                                          Daniel H Guasti

martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

"The saving Alba , Tango"

The saving Alba, Tango"

When the day was broken up,
between the colors dispersed in the afternoon.
They start in my interior, to creep,
the stinging pain of your memory.
The night is stretched like a rubber ...
And the merciless, sleeplessness.
It appears that "phantom plaintiff"
I never made ​​money,
and always insists,
to paint in the shadows.
Finally, a light seeps through my window,
That's where Alba, absolves me ...

I no longer closed, imagine this sort,
and that it's over.
The time portal, a pain
  only be measured by a "drink"
Nothing, relieve me, forgetfulness,
in the rigid time line.
Your game was my grief,
as the fearless "Winter Rose" ...

The weight of the whole Universe, too,
to load on my shoulders.
The secret file of your secrecy,
I ... I've, "minimized" ...
He lost in sporadic pain,
with a handful of vain arrogance,
Every so often, I listed these "gnomes" momentary
which enlarge, their "bars".
I make jokes in my dreams,
and my sins ... crack ...

Your face ... is no longer the same face ...
as I imagined ...
With a grimace "libertarian"
  walks, my remorse.
Now ... is the one that shows me the sorry ...
So ... my savior "Alba", turn it off ...

       Alba = sunrise                                                                           Daniel H Guasti

"El Alba salvadora , Tango"

                                               “El Alba salvadora , Tango”

Cuando el día se disgrega,
entre los dispersos colores de la tarde.
Comienzan en mis interiores , a colarse,
el hiriente dolor de tu memoria.
La noche se estira como una goma…
Y el impiadoso , desvelo.
Aparece ese “fantasma quejoso” ,
que nunca me hace precio ,
y que siempre se empecina ,
en pintarte , entre las sombras.
Al final , se cuela una luz por mi ventana,
Es por donde el Alba , me absuelve…

Ya no me veda , imaginar esta suerte,
y que todo se terminó.
El tiempo porta , un dolor,
 que solo se mide por un “trago”,
De nada , me eximirá , el olvido,
en la rígida recta del tiempo.
Tu partida , fue mi desconsuelo ,
como la intrépida “rosa de invierno”…

El peso de todo el Universo , es demasiado ,
para cargarlo , sobre mis hombros.
El secreto archivo de tu hermetismo,
Yo…Ya lo he , “minimizado”…
Se perdió en el dolor esporádico,
con un puñado de vanas arrogancias,
Cada tanto , me aparecen esos “gnomos” momentáneos,
que se agrandan ,  con sus “barras”.
Me hacen burlas en mis sueños,
y con mis culpas …rajan…

Tu rostro… ya no es el mismo rostro…
como yo la imaginaba…
Con una mueca “libertaria” ,
 se pasea , por mi remordimiento.
Ahora…es el que me señala el lamento…
Hasta…que mi salvadora “Alba” , lo apaga…

                                                                                 Daniel H Guasti

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

"Energy fields , Tango"

                                                              "Energy fields, Tango"

It's a great "energy field",
was installed, around you.
Brighten like a Sun,
dark nights and serene.
A cloud of "bosons" around you,
for the neighborhood of "Almagro".
Tan "Buenos Aires" ... as "brunette",
Lights will return the reflection of your eyes,
So dark, so tight ...
as darkness,
Denounced me as an ascetic,
Pretending to be ... a slave ...

Your face in the mirror ...
Stuck forever
in the other, I forget.
  As if my soul were steel ...
You attract me like a magnet.
  Never, ever, be exhausted,
the brightness of your dense black lashes ....

Hear you sing, a Tango is a party,
If you undo each word, such as "pieces of paper".
Will these "Bosons" ... so unheard ...
I'm being, becoming, crazy.
If when you, I approach,
couples "quark-antiquark"
begin to activate, madly.
And it involves, as a package,
a great cloud, "phosphorescent".
It is when I wake up from a dream deal,
as if I were a "barrel" ...

It will populate with your beauty ... a "Almagro" with "doodles" ...
And Tango starts exhibiting his sublime melody.
They begin to "clone", "idyllic Morochas"
in every corner of "Buenos Aires".
But I was good, what is the "Original Model" ...
Because you only need to hear your voice, incomparable ...
And that thrill of excitement, so suffocating,
Tango causes me hear you...

 morocha=black hair                                                                  Daniel H Guasti


                                            “CAMPOS DE ENERGÍA , Tango”

Es un gran “Campo de Energía” ,
el que se instaló , a tu alrededor.
Alumbras como un Sol ,
las noches oscuras , y serenas .
Una nube de “Bosones” , te rodea ,
por al barrio de “Almagro”.
Tan “porteña”…tan “morocha”,
Las luces te devuelven el reflejo de tus ojos ,
Tan oscuro , tan herméticos…
como las tinieblas,
Me denuncio como un asceta ,
Pretendiendo ser …tu subordinado…

Tu cara en el espejo…
Quedó grabada para siempre ,
en ese otro , olvido.
 Como si mi alma fuese de acero…
Tu me atraes , como un imán.
 Nunca , jamás , se va a agotar,
el brillo de tus densas pestañas negras….

Oírte cantar , un Tango es una fiesta ,
si deshaces cada palabra , como “papelitos” .
Serán esos “Bosones”…tan inauditos…
Que me están , volviendo , loco.
Si cuando a Ti , yo me acerco,
las parejas “quarks-antiquarks” ,
comienzan a activarse , locamente .
Y me envuelve , como un paquete,
una gran nube , “fosforescente”.
Es cuando me levantas , de un sueño favorable ,
como si yo fuese , un “barrilete”…

Se va poblando con tu belleza …un ”Almagro” con “firuletes”…
Y el Tango comienza a exhibir su sublime melodía.
Comienzan a “clonarse” , “Morochas idílicas” ,
en cada rincón de “Buenos Aires”.
Pero yo se bien , cuál es el “Modelo Original”…
Porque , solo es necesario escuchar tu voz , incomparable…
Y ese temblor de emoción , tan sofocante ,
que me provoca el Tango … Al oírte cantar…

                                                                      Daniel H Guasti

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

"The large window , Tango"

                                    "The large window, Tango"


Jorge Luis Borges ..
Like the Tango, I know,
that intrudes in my memory.
I intuit or suspect exists, "the big window"
where we can spy on life.

What happens to us, governs the other side ...
What essentially, I am ... of this ...
We occupy ... increasingly, different roles,
that allows us to go back on center stage.
Other ... we wait, be patient,
Place where time does not exist,
there is only an "eternal present".
It has its place, the "praised eternity" ...

or painful "finitude" ...

Tedium loses, its magnitude ...
Well ... timeless,
no sense.
I say "Astrophysical" ...
can not govern the "Time" in a space devoid of "Gravity" ...

without "Particles" ... or "Subject"
Neither ... the "Four vital forces"
governing in the "Universe" ...
I do not know if "The Boss" ... will decide ...
I will leave that to each One
Only ... I suspect that "The great movie, repeats"
But with other "roles", attached.

That afternoon, I will never forget,
such as yours ... and mine.
 that you made , with your beauty,
has been recorded in the "Akashic records".
As an important file ...
not be deleted, ever.
While waiting in the "atrium, in our" list "
Someone explain ... our next future ...

So everything closes perfect
as the exact "cadence", a good Tango.
They shall not, to worry,
because of this great theory, I fabulo.
But you know, you ...
I'm not .. the only one.
My intuition is a "joke ubiquitous" ...
They said that because they live in "Buenos Aires"
will give a privilege,
As this city, so crazy,
And besides ... Populated with "locals".
All our lives, go through the "Big Window"
No nerve cravings, boredom ... or judicious annoying times "

Daniel H Guasti
